Are you getting enough recommended fruits and vegetables in your diet everyday?

According to  you should consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day,  The exact number of servings you need varies based on your age, sex and activity level, with some people needing as many as nine servings per day. Doing so will give you both nutrition and health benefits.

Health Benefits

Eating enough fruits and vegetables lowers your risk of obesity, heart disease, birth defects, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, diverticulosis, constipation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, infections, vision problems and digestive problems. Health benefits are greatest when you consume a variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors.
Truth Be Told
Here lies the big question... When is the last time you ate 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days in a row?  How about 2 weeks in a row or even 2 months in a row?  
What if there was a way to get 10-20 servings per day.  How do you think you would feel in 2 weeks?  IF there was a cheap, affordable, easy way to do this would you want to learn more?
Register here for one of our live demonstration classes or watch this video and learn how you can start this cheap, affordable 10 minute daily habit that will literally change your life forever!