Earthing: How To

After watching that fascinating documentary on Grounding I did a lot more research and ran across this comprehensive posting by Ashley Green on the topic.  Very simple, honest, scientific evidence and down to earth (pun intended -lol!). I also like all the personal testimonies Ashley offers.  

Since finding this thorough posting and doing more reading on the topic, our family has started grounding too.  First we purchased an EMF reader and then Digital Multimeter.

With the EMF reader we went around the house to find which appliances / electronics were emitting magnetic waves. We were surprised to learn just how many emitted waves! Our computers, radios, alarm clocks, outlets, lamps, microwaves, cell phones, hair blow dryer, televisions, monitors, laptops etc. etc.   Remember these electromagnetic waves have negative effects on our brain functions. More studies are coming out showing the dangers these EMFs are presenting in the proper development of our precious children's brains.  I cringe when I think of all the video games kids play today!

This is when we decided to purchase a couple universal grounding mats and place them around the house. One at each of the computers in our schoolroom and a few in our beds to sleep on at night and then a couple in our cars. This way the children's bodies could be grounded while being exposed to these negative EMFs.  While using our mats we had a lot of fun experimenting with our Digital Multimeter to see if the grounding mats actually worked. Guess what... they did!!!

The most significant changes we have noticed since using our grounding mats, were better nights sleep with less snoring, quicker recovery after workouts, less back and neck pain, better concentration during computer lessons!!

UPDATE: Since this posting we learned about a new technology called x-Zubi that helps reduce emission of these electromagnetic frequencies from our different appliances / electronics. Here is the post I wrote up on that company.