What Dishwasher Detergent Do You Use?


Did you know that dishwasher detergents like Cascade, are made with cheap ingredients like chlorine, phosphates and other caustic substances? My point proven by the childproof caps and the warning label to call 911 IMMEDIATELY if ingested!

Did you know that phosphates are terrible for our environment that is why they are banned from all laundry detergents? Did you know 1lb of phosphates creates 300 - 700lbs of algae? When these phosphates enter our waterway systems they choke out the oxygen which can really throw our eco-system off! They really need to have a law where these are also banned from dishwasher detergents!

Did you know that when you open your dishwasher, the steam that rises out after a load of dishes is washed is actually chlorine gas? Did you know that the chlorine gas from just one load of dishes will stay in the air in your home for up to ONE year? Think about that! How many loads does the average home do each week? 5 - 10?

Did you know that chlorine gas can be a trigger for asthma attacks? Did you know that headaches, dizziness and fatigue are just a few of the other symptoms many people experience after running their dishwashers?

Did you know there is a safer alternative for you, your home and the environment that contains *no* chlorine, phosphates or caustic ingredients? It is so safe that there is no need for childproof caps. The patented dishwasher detergent our family now uses is not only safe, proven by the fact there are no childproof safety caps needed. Our dishwasher detergent is very economical in price and it gets the job done without any water spots!

Did you know you can check out this great website to learn more about alternative safer products to use in your home?